Query syntax

ProjPicker uses a custom parser to enable a simple but flexible query interface which works with Python, Shell, and stdin. The ProjPicker query string allows the user to

  1. use logical operations,

  2. use latitude-longitude and x-y coordinates in conjunction, and

  3. switch between various geometry formats

all within simple string representation.

Complex queries can be quickly created to accomplish goals such as finding missing projection.

Coordinate systems

Coordinate systems are denoted with latlon and xy respectively. If no coordinate type is given, it is assumed to be latlon. Each type can be use seperatly or in conjunction.

For example,

  • Only x-y: xy 1323252,396255

  • Only latitude-longitude: latlon 33.7490°N,84.3880°W

  • Both: xy 1323252,396255 latlon 33.7490°N,84.3880°W

Coordinate formats

The parser supports a wide range of latlon coordinate formats as seen below in points.txt:

# decimal degrees and separators
34.2348,-83.8677   # comma
34.2348 -83.8677   # whitespace

# degree, minute, and second symbols
# degree: ° (U+00B0, °, alt+0 in xterm), o, d
# minute: ' (U+0027, '), ′ (U+2032, ′), m
# second: " (U+0022, "), ″ (U+2033, ″),
#         '' (U+0027 U+0027, ' '), s
34.2348°      -83.8677°       # without minutes, seconds, and [SNWE]
34°14.088'    -83°52.062'     # without seconds and [SNWE]
34°14'5.28"   -83°52'3.72"    # without [SNWE]
34.2348°N     83.8677°W       # without minutes and seconds
34°14.088'N   83°52.062'W     # without seconds
34°14'5.28"N  83°52'3.72"W    # full
34°14′5.28″N  83°52′3.72″W    # full using U+2032 and U+2033
34o14'5.28''N 83o52'3.72''W   # full using o' and ''
34d14m5.28sN  83d52m3.72sW    # full using dms
34:14:5.28N   83:52:3.72W     # full using :
34:14:5.28    -83:52:3.72     # without [SNWE]
34:14.088     -83:52.062      # without seconds and [SNWE]

Using projpicker -p -i points.txt, we get all specified points in decimal degrees:

[[34.2348, -83.8677],
 [34.2348, -83.8677],
 [34.2348, -83.8677],
 [34.2348, -83.8677],
 [34.2348, -83.8677],
 [34.2348, -83.8677],
 [34.2348, -83.8677],
 [34.2348, -83.8677],
 [34.2348, -83.8677],
 [34.2348, -83.8677],
 [34.2348, -83.8677],
 [34.2348, -83.8677],
 [34.2348, -83.8677],
 [34.2348, -83.8677]]

For the xy coordinate system, x and y in floats separated by a comma or whitespaces are supported.

For example, this input

396255 1374239

will generate

['xy', [396255.0, 1374239.0], [396255.0, 1374239.0]]


A unit=any or unit= followed by any unit in projpicker.db restricts queries and further logical operations in that unit. Currently, the following units are supported:

  • degree

  • degree minute second hemisphere

  • grad

  • meter

  • kilometer

  • 50 kilometers

  • 150 kilometers

  • link

  • foot

  • US foot

  • British foot (1936)

  • British foot (Sears 1922)

  • British yard (Sears 1922)

  • British chain (Benoit 1895 B)

  • British chain (Sears 1922 truncated)

  • British chain (Sears 1922)

  • Clarke's link

  • Clarke's foot

  • Clarke's yard

  • German legal meter

  • Gold Coast foot

  • Indian yard (1937)

  • Indian yard

Commonly used units are degree, meter, and US foot.

CRS types

The PROJ database defines separate tables for different CRS types and these table names are copied to the proj_table column in projpicker.db. A proj_table=any or proj_table= followed by a CRS table name restricts queries to that CRS type. Currently, the following PROJ table names are supported:

  • compound_crs

  • geodetic_crs

  • projected_crs

  • vertical_crs

Commonly used CRS types are projected_crs and geodetic_crs.

Geometry types

ProjPicker supports point, poly, and bbox geometries.


point geometries are a two-dimensional list consisting of a point word, optionally, followed by multiple one-dimensional lists of two floats in the xy or latlon coordinate systems. Since they do not have directionality, crossing the antimeridian is not checked. For example, if there is one point just to the west of and another just to the east of the antimeridian, these two points do not restrict queries to the smaller CRSs that can be defined by the shorter distance between the two points and pass through the antimeridian. This is the default geometry type when no geometry types are explicitly specified.

Two examples are:

['point', [1.0, 2.0], 'xy', [3.0, 4.0]]
[[1.0, 2.0], 'xy', [3.0, 4.0]] # same as above


poly geometries include polylines and polygons. We do not differentiate between these two poly geometries because their extents are the same as long as they share the same sequence of points. Unlike point geometries, they have directionality and any line segments cutting the antimeridian can restrict queries to the smaller CRSs that bound part of the antimeridian. They are a three-dimensional list starting with a poly word followed by a number of two-dimensional lists that individually define a poly geometry.

This example shows two poly geometries:

['poly', [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]], 'xy', [[5.0, 6.0], [7.0, 8.0], [9.0, 10.0]]]


bbox geometries specify bounding box polygons defined by the south, north, west, and east coordinates in both xy and latlon coordinate systems. They are a two-dimensional list starting with a bbox word followed by a number of one-dimensional lists with south, north, west, and east coordinates.

This example shows two bbox geometries:

['bbox', [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0], 'xy', [5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]]

Logical operators

The logical operators and, or, or xor can be used with ProjPicker for more extensible querying operations. The operators are not CLI options or flags, but are instead parsed directly by ProjPicker. The first word can be optionally and, or, or xor to define the query operator. It cannot be used again in the middle unless the first word is postfix, which is for postfix logical operations explained below.

The following command queries CRSs that completely contain all the geometries:

projpicker and A B C D

A, B, C, and D are any point, poly, or bbox geometries, not the letters literally. Set-theoretically, it is equivalent to A and B and C and D or postfix A B and C and D and in the postfix mode.

This command finds CRSs that contain any, not necessarily all, of the geometries:

projpicker or A B C D

It is equivalent to A or B or C or D set-theoretically or postfix A B or C or D or in the postfix mode.

An exclusive OR operation can be performed. This command finds CRSs that contain only one of the geometries, but not both:

projpicker xor A B

It is equivalent to A xor B set-theoretically or postfix A B xor in the postfix mode.

Since this operator is performed on two sets at a time, feeding more than two geometries does not result in CRSs that are mutually exclusive among all geometries. For example, the following operation results in CRSs that contain only A, B, or C exclusively, and additionally all three geometries:

projpicker xor A B C

Postfix logical operations

If the first word is postfix, ProjPicker supports postfix logical operations using and, or, xor, not, and match. Postfix notations may not be straightforward to understand and write, but they are simpler to implement and do not require parentheses. In a vertically long input, writing logical operations without parentheses seems to be a better choice.

For example, the following command queries CRSs that completely contain A, but not B:

projpicker postfix A B not and

This command is useful to filter out global CRSs spatially. In an infix notation, it is equivalent to A and not B.

Let’s take another example. This command finds CRSs that contain A or B, but not C. It’s equivalent to (A or B) and not C in an infix notation.

projpicker postfix A B or C not and

What about both A and B, or C, but not all? These CRSs would contain both A and B, but not C; or they would contain C, but neither A nor B. That is (A and B) xor C in an infix notation.

projpicker postfix A B and C xor

To find CRSs that contain only A, B, or C exclusively, the following query can be used:

projpicker postfix A B xor C xor A B and C and not and

The match operator compares two geometries in latlon and xy, but not in the same coordinate systems, and returns a subset of the CRSs that contain the xy geometry that can be transformed to the other latlon geometry. It uses two constraints including match_tol= and match_max=. match_tol= defines the maximum tolerance in the xy unit for distance matching (default 1) and match_max= limits the maximum number of matches (default 0 for all). The following command returns the first matching CRS in xy that contains B whose equivalent latlon is A:

projpicker postfix match_max=1 A xy B match

The match operation is slow because it needs to transform points in latlon to xy for comparison using pyproj.

Special geometries for logical operations

A none geometry returns no CRSs. This special geometry is useful to clear results in the middle of a postfix query. This command returns CRSs that only contain X:

projpicker postfix A B or C not and none and X or

An all geometry returns all CRSs in a specified unit. The following command performs an all-but operation and returns CRSs not in degree that contain A:

projpicker postfix A unit=degree all unit=any not and

Note that unit=any not is used instead of not to filter out degree CRSs from any-unit CRSs, not from the same degree CRSs. unit=degree all not would yield none because in the same degree universe, the NOT of all is none.

Geometry variables

A geometry can be saved as a geometry variable and used later. The name of a variable can contain lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and underscores. This syntax uses colons to define and use variables. If the variable name is followed by a colon, but it does not start with another one (e.g., var_name:), it saves the following geometry and is not used in place. If the variable name is enclosed by two colons (e.g., :var_name:), it is defined and used immediately. If the variable name starts with a colon, but it does not end with another one (e.g., :var_name), its saved geometry is restored.

projpicker postfix A: 34.2348,-83.8677 zero: 0,0 :A :zero not and